How important is Eyelid Hygiene?
Last week we looked at some common causes of eyelid inflammation. Maintaining clean eyelids plays a crucial part in preventing infections and in maintaining a healthy eyelid margin. In fact, just like the rest of our body, our eyelids should also be cleaned from time to time. This is especially important for people who suffer from the common condition blepharitis which is inflammation of the eyelid margins. The formation of our natural tears plays a very important part here. Our tears are made up of a balance of oil and water. This balance is so delicate that anything...
Swollen Eyelids: 6 common causes and treatment tips
Our eyelids are thin folds of skin which cover and protect our eyes. At times our eyelids can appear to be red, inflamed or even swollen. Besides affecting our appearance, a swollen eyelid could also affect our vision if it is severe enough. In the majority of cases the swelling should subside within 24 hours however if it lasts longer than 24 to 48 hours you should speak to your pharmacist or doctor. The following are 6 common cause of swollen eyelids: 1. Allergies When your eyelids are swollen and your eyes are red, itchy or watery the cause...